Make a difference for community news

NNAF relies on charitable contributions — from those who share a passion for and belief in the vital importance of community journalism — to fulfill its ongoing mission and support the future of community newspapers.

NNAF is a 501 (c)(3) organization, which means your contribution may be tax deductible (a tax advisor can help you determine deduction eligibility). Please consider giving using one of the methods below, or contact to inquire about estate planning and giving under other special circumstances.

Prefer to donate via mail? Click here to access a printable donation form to accompany your mailed check. Mail to:

National Newspaper Association Foundation
P.O. Box 13323
Pensacola, FL 32591

NNAF Coffee Mugs

Nothing wakes up your morning like a steaming cup of coffee and a look at the day’s news! Get your own NNAF Coffee Mug with proceeds benefitting the Foundation’s educational programs for community journalism. Cost is $15. Order mug

NNAF Charitable Organization Registration Number: CH67417