Journalism fellowship application now open
Nov 15, 2021

Applications are now open for the Higher Education Media Fellowship. This Fellowship aims to increase the number of journalists with the tools and networks to provide richer and more comprehensive coverage of postsecondary education, particularly career and technical education (CTE).
The HEM Fellowship is open to all U.S. journalists who are education, business, investigative or workforce beat reporters or have work experience that includes reporting on education and associated work force development, social, or public policy issues. Potential Fellows will be early- and mid-career journalists working in any type of media.
Selected Fellows are awarded $10,000 — $5,000 as a stipend and $5,000 towards a postsecondary CTE reporting project. The six-month, non-residential program begins with an expense-paid CTE symposium where Fellows are paired with a mentor. Following the symposium, Fellows must complete a reporting project, such as a special report or series. Additional professional development funding and opportunities are available to Fellows.
Thank you for your consideration and please share this opportunity with those who may be eligible and interested.
The application deadline is December 10, 2021.
Questions may be directed to
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