National Newspaper Association

Protecting, Promoting and Enhancing Community Newspapers Since 1885

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The mission of the National Newspaper Association is to protect, promote and enhance America's community newspapers.

  • NNA protects community newspapers through active and effective government relation programs that addresses the issues affecting community newspapers.
  • NNA promotes community newspapers by educating readers, advertisers and policy officials on the benefits and value of community newspapers. 
  • NNA enhances community newspapers by providing information, solutions and strategies on current and emerging issues affecting the business interest of community newspapers.

Help your clients by getting their product and services in front of folks

Mar 27, 2020

Help your clients by getting their product and services in front of folks on your online newspaper edition. Here are some ideas from Spark Digital Sales Group who are here to help you bring in revenue ...

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Free content for newspapers and their websites

Mar 27, 2020

NewsUSA is pleased to offer copyright free content to NNA member newspapers.

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Green Shoot Media has created a variety of special sections to help drive revenue

Mar 27, 2020

Green Shoot Media has created a variety of special sections that could help drive revenue for newspapers during the coronavirus shutdown.

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Helping newspaper advertisers understand the importance of marketing amidst COVID-19

Mar 27, 2020

Advertisers struggle daily to grasp how COVID-19 will impact their business operations.  In a similar regard, media sales representatives are also struggling to empathize, educate and guide newspaper ...

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In need of quality content?

Mar 27, 2020

In need of free quality content?  Family Features Editorial Syndicate works nationally with recognized brands and associations to create free editorial content for newspapers and websites. 

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Mediabids announces reader-supported advertising campaigns

Mar 27, 2020

In an effort to support local journalism and improve response (and revenue) for publications and advertisers, Mediabids is pioneering what it calls ‘’reader-supported’’ print ads.

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Metro Creative Graphics Inc. releases two free special sections in support of local newspapers’ covid-19 coverage

Mar 27, 2020

As part of continuing efforts to provide local newspapers with essential COVID-19 content, Metro Creative Graphics Inc. has made two of its ready-to-run special sections accessible to all National Newspaper ...

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More Content Now expands content schedule to provide more material to fit readers’ current lifestyle

Mar 27, 2020

Adapting due to the current health crisis, More Content Now is modifying and expanding its content schedule to provide more material that fits readers’ current lifestyle.

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National Coronavirus Aggregated Headline Service

Mar 27, 2020

North American Precis Syndicate (NAPS) and 1up! have partnered to provide an editorial package of aggregated coronavirus headlines from national and international online media outlets.

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