National Newspaper Association

Protecting, Promoting and Enhancing Community Newspapers Since 1885

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Gorsuch nomination highlighted party politics

May 3, 2017

After the clash over the vacant Supreme Court seat turned nuclear, the nation witnessed Neil Gorsuch, the youngest serving justice to defend the Constitution, appointed to the high court.  

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US political divide a challenge for Supreme Court independence

May 3, 2017

The political divide that has overtaken the U.S. might now limit the independence of the U.S. Supreme Court.  

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Gorsuch’s path to Supreme Court highlights issue of independence in the judiciary

May 3, 2017

After a historic filibuster that pushed Senate republicans to utilize the “nuclear option,” Judge Neil Gorsuch passed his confirmation process and was sworn in as a U.S. Supreme Court justice, ...

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Reaction to court block of travel ban considered disrespectful

May 3, 2017

The moment it was signed, President Donald Trump’s executive order on immigration received reactions spanning every point on the political spectrum.  

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Cyber Terrorism

May 9, 2016

The National Newspaper Association Foundation hosted five college students from all over the country to participate in its annual fellowship. This year, the fellows met with professionals and legislators ...

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Refugees welcome in North Dakota

May 9, 2016

When Marina Fathallah lived in Iraq and walked to school with her sister, she said they never thought they would reach the building.  

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American-born Muslims face discrimination

May 9, 2016

Growing up in a Muslim community in Iowa, Talal Adam was not really exposed to Islamophobia when he was young. He said he first became aware of discrimination and he was a senior in high school when he ...

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Blurred lines in Mississippi politics

Jun 1, 2015

Discussion of immigration reform may look red and blue in news reports, divided along political lines, but in Mississippi, it’s a little more gray.

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Community papers need to get out the word on immigration programs

Jun 1, 2015

Have you heard about immigration reform?

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