National Newspaper Association

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The National Newspaper Association Foundation wants you

Dec 2, 2014

It is that charitable-giving time of the year, and the National Newspaper Association Foundation is asking members to please consider making a fully tax-deductible gift to the non-profit arm of the National ...

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National security and privacy rights face off over NSA allegations

Jul 15, 2014

It can be argued that there are two prevailing schools of thought about the National Security Agency, one of the most controversial and most polarizing organizations in America, if not the entire planet.

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Land of the free or home of the lies?

Jul 15, 2014

Sitting in the National Security Agency and Central Security Service’s National Cryptologic Museum, in a room where agents are sworn in, a man like Bill Combs is the last thing you would expect.

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NNAF program brings young journalists to DC

Jun 6, 2014

For Averi Haugesag, the National Newspaper Association Foundation’s News Fellow program provided a unique opportunity to delve into national security and privacy issues surrounding the National Security ...

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Sentiment turns against NSA’s bulk data collection

Jun 6, 2014

Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, R-Menomonee Falls, feels misled.

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It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a—drone?

Jun 6, 2014

What someone thinks of drones depends on two things: Who it’s pointed at and who’s holding the controller.

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NSA monitoring a hot topic for nation, Kansas politicians

May 6, 2014

In the months since National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden leaked sensitive documents held by the NSA, the public discussion and opinion about the agency’s actions have fluctuated between ...

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NSA says its surveillance stays within the law

May 6, 2014

A tunnel of trees lines either side of Interstate 295, north of the nation’s capital.

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Is the NSA Orwell’s ‘Big Brother’ watching us or our big brother looking out for us?

May 6, 2014

There is irrefutable evidence U.S. citizens are being watched, thousands, perhaps tens or hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions, daily. The only questions remaining unclear are: Who is doing the watching? ...

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