National Newspaper Association

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Forum (Pub Aux opinion pages)

Will the public be notified of water problems? Depends on notice laws in your state

Jun 26, 2024

Agencies responsible for issuing public notices failed to meet requirements about 6,000 times per year on average. As a result, citizens were not notified that the Safe Drinking Water Act passed by Congress ...

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ABOUT THE TOWN: Public notice in newspapers

Mar 1, 2024

I think it is very important that public notice remain in newspapers, and I don’t mean that to be self-serving in any way. Let me give you a better understanding of where I’m coming from.

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FIRST-PERSON: Postal rate hikes out of control

Feb 1, 2024

This is the fourth increase in 18 months — the most frequent mailing rate–hike schedule in the Postal Service’s 248-year history. 

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The Last Word: Postal Delivery Issues

Feb 1, 2024

For three straight weeks, our local papers weren't delivered anywhere close to on time from the United States Postal Service Toledo Distribution Center, and we didn't know why. We didn't know what suddenly ...

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FORUM: Raid on newspaper never should have happened

Oct 1, 2023

The Aug. 11 police raid on the weekly newspaper in Marion, Kansas, was so wrong it should never have been imagined.

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Leeway to cost recovery is narrow

Aug 1, 2023

For weekly newspapers in particular, whose subscription prices tend to be locked in a year at a time, the leeway to recover the additional cost through subscriptions is narrow. Publishers operating printing ...

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Correction - May 2023 printed Pub Aux

Jun 1, 2023

The e-issue was corrected, but Nicolet Bank was printed as both Nicolet National Bank and Nikolai Bank. We regret and sincerely apologize for this error.

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The industry cannot afford to toss its subscribers overboard

Jun 1, 2023

It doesn’t matter whether this distribution is digital or print. Same problem, same solutions. Attention to the readers and subscribers is what keeps the other two businesses together.

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Letter to Editor ⁠— May 2023

May 1, 2023

As you may know, NNA signed onto a friend-of-the-court brief filed by the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press in Gray Media Group v. City of Charlotte ... Here is a link to a short write up about ...

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