Protecting, Promoting and Enhancing Community Newspapers Since 1885
Robert M. Williams Jr. is a longtime community newspaper publisher from Blackshear, Georgia. He was NNA president in 2013-14 and is now acting as NNA director of creative resources. He is available for consultation on how to create more revenue, help you deal with inevitable newspaper issues or be a sympathetic ear for NNA members looking for an experienced publisher to listen. Email him at or call at (912) 281-5438 from 10 a.m -3 p.m. ET, Monday-Friday.
Paul Keane, editor and publisher of the Wayne County News in Waynesboro, Mississippi, has a reputation for creative and innovative thinking when it comes to newspaper advertising ideas. Whether it’s ...
A story I hope you'll read before the holidays arrive
Davis’ paper is the Monroe County Reporter, a 5,000 circulation weekly in Forsyth, Georgia, a county of roughly 30,000 where Donald Trump has won big in the past and is expected to again.
I can see a continuing ad series springing off from this special section to satisfy the desire of the community to know more and read more!
An old friend in central Kentucky called [recently] to ask for a copy of a special section we published to salute our community’s first responders.
"At The Walton Tribune (in Monroe, Georgia), we have been producing "The Cutest Calendar Ever!" since December of 2019, and the average this product does is around $3,000-$4,000 in advertising revenue ...
“Asking our small businesses to pay what we charge for a full–page color ad is a waste of time. While they may not spend the large figure for a full page, they will gladly spend a smaller amount ...
Jeff Cott has a simple philosophy for success in ad sales and that involves careful study of your customers so your knowledge of them, their personality and their business is thorough and complete.
Carrie says the contest is a popular item her newspapers have been running for four years, and her community “loves it.”
One of newspapers’ great strengths is in (1) recognizing a good story when you see one, plus (2) tying that story-telling ability into solving an advertiser’s problem.
Missouri publisher Peggy Scott of Leader Publications says she can’t accept the credit, however, because the idea was reincarnated by the marketing team for one of her better customers.
Part of what can be overlooked is how intriguing content can be enjoyable reading AND also provide the springboard for paid advertising.
It didn’t take me long to find Carrie because she was the one with a crowd of fellow publishers around her, hoping to learn her “secret” to producing such quality newspapers.
There’s much to be said for being open to new ideas, new ways to do things, being innovative — even if someone suggests something a bit zany.
It’s refreshing to be thumbing through one of my “exchange” newspapers from a small weekly only a few miles south of my hometown, deep here in south Georgia, and find an exceptionally ...
“We are in the middle of something fun that has really been a win-win-win for our community.”
Aurora (Nebraska) News-Register Publisher Kurt Johnson says simplicity has long been the key to years of success for one of his community’s favorite ad ideas ...
Among the latest great advertising ideas Forum Communications Director of Revenue Growth Jody Hanson has come up with are niche publications to accompany numerous newspapers in their group that draw ...
Over the years, I’ve encountered numerous advertisers who, mysteriously, somehow once they’ve published a great ad idea in your newspaper, think the ad is somehow “used up” after ...
The Forest-Blade of Swainsboro, Georgia, has long been a quality community newspaper, consistently fulfilling its role as a vital link offering the names, faces and information that bind the Emmanuel County, ...