International Newspaper Group (ING) Sets October 4th and 5th for ING/PRINT 2019, the Premier Networking Event for Print Production, Logistics and Operations Executive Leadership
Dec 12, 2018
ING 2019’s Statement of Purpose calls for it to be the single event where “print centric” leadership from the Americas and Europe will meet, network, and share best in class ideas. It is not a tradeshow; there are no booths to visit. ING 2019 is the leadership networking conference designed to provide the network, resources, and proven practices to empower operations execs to successfully & cost-effectively shape the print landscape of the future.
The International Newspaper Group’s board of directors, represented by 22 leading newspaper executives and suppliers, see ING 2019 as the “must-attend” conference of the decade. According to Russ Newton, ING President, pent up demand for a print centric networking event is more pronounced than ever. “ING’s LinkedIn following grew by over 100 connections within hours of a save-the-date post last month. Plus, newspaper print leaders across the Americas are already contributing and participating to ensure this networking event will drive significant & actionable value for any and all who attend.”
ING board secretary and SVP Operations for Star Tribune Media Co, Kevin Desmond, points to the organization’s statement of purpose as further reason for newspaper representatives to attend: “If you are the one in your organization responsible for Print, Logistics, Distribution, Integrated Services, or Real Estate/Facilities … ING is the event you must attend to learn how your colleagues and industry suppliers are navigating these challenging times. The Star Tribune has implemented several EBITDA positive initiatives as a direct result of my attendance at ING.”
Steve Mattingly, ING program chair, “We are delighted to announce our Keynote speaker, Mr. Keni Thomas, author, motivational speaker, musician, and decorated former Army Task Force Ranger, as he provides the ING audience with valuable insights and inspiration: GET IT ON! WHAT IT MEANS TO LEAD THE WAY. Plus, our industry keynotes and panelists will cover brass tack solutions regarding quality, cost-management, logistics, and strategic partnering. This is truly ‘Change Agent’ leadership from both domestic and international newspapers alike!”
ING treasurer, Tom Travis, added, “It’s no secret that our attendees and all of us in this business face tough sledding with squeezed revenues, reduced staff, aging equipment and budgets that are almost non-existent. We have all assumed more and more responsibility for added areas of a newspaper’s operation, including managing real estate, logistics and regulation compliance. The sea of change affects us all. ING/PRINT 2019 will be a welcome networking venue to ensure we are best equipped for the future.”
Wayne Pelland, VP Manufacturing & Distribution for Gatehouse Media and ING Board Member affirmed, “The ING/PRINT 2019 Leadership Networking Summit is the single best network for newspaper production, manufacturing and logistics peers. Our attendees talk face-to-face with one another, stand shoulder to shoulder with one another, sharing common problems, and no doubt, common solutions. And the biggest advantage for attendees are the genuine connections that are made at ING. These connections truly encourage continuing conversations long after all of us have gone home at the end of the weekend. Imagine being able to pick up the phone and call a new, but trusted compatriot who actually welcomes your call for advice!”
Further to its mission, Mark Hall, ING vice president noted, “ING 2019 has made a steadfast commitment to reflect the international scope of newspaper production and operations by featuring speakers, programs, and success stories from newspaper production professionals who will be flying in from around the world, including the Americas, Europe and beyond, to attend and share their experiences with one another at the forum.”
With highly relevant optional tours on Friday afternoon, October 4, followed by the opening reception, the leadership summit then continues Saturday morning, October 5, with a full day of action-packed sessions and networking opportunities.
“We are on a mission to spread the word to publishers, executive committees, and OEM partners of all shapes and sizes encouraging them to support, endorse and fund the attendance of their production and operations managers at ING 2019,” Newton said. “This is so important to newspapers everywhere that they have the opportunity to find answers and solutions to their needs… from fellow professionals.”
International Newspaper Group (ING) has a new web site on which ING 2019 Summit content and updates will be posted weekly. The ING board encourages all newspaper executives, including publishers, owners, and production leaders to frequently visit the new site: and LinkedIn page: