National Newspaper Association

Protecting, Promoting and Enhancing Community Newspapers Since 1885

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NNA works daily on postal issues that affect community newspapers. Its goals are to achieve fair rates, efficient service and a level competitive playing field between newspapers and direct mail competitors.

NNA represents community newspapers:

  • On the Postal Service’s Mailers Technical Advisory Committee

  • Before the Postal Regulatory Commission

  • With the House Oversight and Government Committee

  • The Senate Governmental Affairs Committee

Some of NNA’s achievements include:

  • Preserving the lowest commercial postage rate in the system—the Within County privilege—for community newspapers for more than 120 years

  • Gaining a new 5 percent discount for Outside County postage for total mailings of under 5,000 copies when a paper has the Within County privilege

  • Making sure a newspaper does not lose the privilege just because a postal carrier’s route wanders outside a county line

  • Gaining an extension for the requirement to shift to a new Intelligent Mail Barcode for automation discounts

  • Preserving next-day or better service standards for periodicals entered at local post offices or mail distribution facilities


Oct 12, 2023

The proposed Jan. 21, 2024, postage increase for community newspapers is nearly four times the rate increase proposed for other users of the mail. In an announcement last Friday, the United States Postal ...

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Looking back at events that have caused continuing postal increases for mailers

Oct 1, 2023

What does NNA expect to see from USPS in the next 12 months?

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Resources for completing your Statement of Ownership (SOO); USPS webinar on 9/12

Sep 11, 2023

Need some guidance on the upcoming USPS statement of ownership filing?

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Editor's Note: Reminder about annual Statement of Ownership

Sep 1, 2023

Since Oct. 1 is a Sunday this year, file by Friday, Sept. 29.

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In Washington, D.C., this fall, your industry peers will lead discussions on timely topics

Sep 1, 2023

Join conversations, ask questions and pick up some new ideas from your newspaper industry peers. ... Learn the tools and language to tell the story of your newspaper's total reach. 

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USPS’ new network and how the changes will impact newspapers

Sep 1, 2023

The Postal Service began talking about re-inventing its delivery network about this time last year and has already embarked on making changes to a number of processing plants around the country.

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Postal Service hosts bi-weekly webinars on utilizing the Business Customer Gateway (BCG), offers help with Statement of Ownership

Aug 15, 2023

The October 1st deadline for Periodicals mailers to submit their Statement of Ownership is approaching, so the Postal Service will be hosting a webinar to guide mailers on the entry through Postal ...

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Understanding Periodicals Vol 2 Session 5: Everything Mail Entry

Aug 10, 2023

The second season of the Max Heath Postal Institute™ course on newspaper mail resumes Thursday, August 10 at 3 p.m. ET/2 p.m. CT/1 p.m. MT/12 p.m. PT.

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Leeway to cost recovery is narrow

Aug 1, 2023

For weekly newspapers in particular, whose subscription prices tend to be locked in a year at a time, the leeway to recover the additional cost through subscriptions is narrow. Publishers operating printing ...

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