National Newspaper Association

Protecting, Promoting and Enhancing Community Newspapers Since 1885

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Public Policy


The National Newspaper Association’s mission is to protect, promote and enhance American’s community newspapers. 

NNA needs the support of every community newspaper in order to work closely with policy officials to create a legal and regulatory environment conducive to the growth of community newspapers. 



NNA works daily on postal issues that affect community newspapers. Its goals are to achieve fair rates, efficient service and a level competitive playing field between newspapers and direct mail competitors.


Public notice

Public notices in newspapers are part of the three-legged stool of government accountability. Public notices help to inform the public on activities by the government and other public entities. Public notices have been included in newspapers from the beginning of the Republic. Now they are also on many newspapers’ websites.

Join the Congressional Action Team

The Congressional Action Team (CAT) is NNA's grassroots team composed of newspaper publishers from across the country who volunteer to contact their Senators and Representatives when legislation affecting community newspapers is introduced or when legislative activity is necessary. CAT members are asked to simply call their members of Congress or write a letter to express their concerns on behalf of community newspapers. All newspaper publishers who are members of the National Newspaper Association may join. To join, email






NNA joins effort to protect reporters from unjust property seizures

Sep 1, 2023

... The news groups argue that the seizure of German’s mobile devices violates reporters’ confidentiality and could expose confidential sources to retaliation. German’s long reporting ...

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US Department of Labor proposes nearly a 55% increase in exempt-employee salaries

Aug 31, 2023

A major salary increase may be headed for newspapers’ budgets to maintain the professional status of some employees. 

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Managers will want to take note of these issues

Aug 1, 2023

NNA members will want to read about the status of noncompete clauses in employment agreements and new reporting to FinCen. 

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New legislation introduced to support local media

Aug 1, 2023

Representatives Claudia Tenney (R-New York) and Suzan DelBene (D-Washington) have introduced an updated version of the Local Journalism Sustainability Act, renamed the Community News and Small Business ...

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NNA and Library of Congress assisting NNA members with ISSN

Aug 1, 2023

There is a possibility that the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA) now being considered before Congress could define eligible newspaper participants as those with an ISSN number. Additionally, ...

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Senate committee tells Health and Human Services to do more with newspapers on rural public health

Jul 28, 2023

The Senate Appropriations Committee is directing the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to ensure that local media including non-daily newspapers are part of their federal advertising campaigns. ...

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Local Journalism Sustainability Act becomes Community News and Small Business Support Act (H.R. 4756)

Jul 21, 2023

The National Newspaper Association today announced the introduction in the House of Representatives of a tax-credits bill intended to help local news organizations. 

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Gannett Co. sues Google on behalf of oldest newspaper; JCPA would call for sharing advertising revenue

Jul 1, 2023

The company brought its suit before the U.S. District Court in the Southern District of New York. Lawsuits are already pending in federal courts by competing advertising networks, the U.S. Department of ...

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House Oversight hearing leaves Delivering for America plan on track for now

Jun 1, 2023

The House Subcommittee on Government Operations and the Federal Workforce held a hearing in May on the Delivering for America Plan. The proceeding was narrow in scope with Postmaster General Louis DeJoy ...

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