National Newspaper Association

Protecting, Promoting and Enhancing Community Newspapers Since 1885

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The mission of the National Newspaper Association is to protect, promote and enhance America's community newspapers.

  • NNA protects community newspapers through active and effective government relation programs that addresses the issues affecting community newspapers.
  • NNA promotes community newspapers by educating readers, advertisers and policy officials on the benefits and value of community newspapers. 
  • NNA enhances community newspapers by providing information, solutions and strategies on current and emerging issues affecting the business interest of community newspapers.

Issue brief – what if laid off employees decline to return?

May 4, 2020

This week, new guidance has been issued on what happens if an employer tries to return a laid-off or furloughed employee to his or her old job and the employee decides not to come back. 

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Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press offers HIPAA guidebook

May 4, 2020

Medical privacy laws can confuse the most savvy journalist and give public officials a reason not to disclose information that should be provided to the public under state open records laws.

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Are you reading your own websites?

May 1, 2020

The value of immediate and continuing reports has escalated during the coronavirus pandemic. Your stories are critical to keeping readers abreast of information valuable to navigating this crisis.

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Despite hardship, small town newspapers across the country keep the news flowing

May 1, 2020

No business cares about its community more than a local newspaper. From coast to coast, border to border, across the entire USA, newspapers are doing their damnedest to hold tight to their franchise and ...

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Looking at the post-pandemic picture for local newspapers

May 1, 2020

But if there is one thing the pandemic has proved, it’s that the role of newspapers as a source of reliable information, locally focused content and community connection remains vitally important.

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Saving 2 small-town newspapers

May 1, 2020

The community was stunned by the April 1 announcement. They had no warning. The papers were the oldest institutions in their communities. And suddenly, the residents realized that their communities just ...

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Wehaa and Lee partner to help local businesses

May 1, 2020

In mid-March, Wehaa reached out to its newspaper partners with a couple of crisis-relevant ideas to help during this difficult time. 

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Generating revenue in times of crisis

Apr 30, 2020

We began looking for ways to bring in new revenue while our traditional methods of income are taking a hit. We came up with several.   

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Three ways to engage customers and reach readers

Apr 30, 2020

While this has been a challenge, there’s also a chance for opportunity. There are new ways to engage customers, still make money and help businesses promote their messages in the community.

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