National Newspaper Association

Protecting, Promoting and Enhancing Community Newspapers Since 1885

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Content for Member Papers

NNA provides its members with content to reprint or post to websites.

This content includes columns by directors and NNA member newspapers, Freedom Forum Institute's First Amendment columns/ editorials and more. 

Your readers want to know more about global warming

Unusually warm winters. Unprecedented wildfires in Australia and the American Southwest. Record-high daily temperatures in Antarctica. Your readers are hearing about the consequences of global warming, ...

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Will the public be notified of water problems? Depends on notice laws in your state

Jun 26, 2024

Agencies responsible for issuing public notices failed to meet requirements about 6,000 times per year on average. As a result, citizens were not notified that the Safe Drinking Water Act passed by Congress ...

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Journalism Competition and Preservation Act queued up for action in the House

Dec 1, 2022

NNA Chair John Galer, publisher of The Journal-News in Hillsboro, Illinois, said NNA believed it was increasingly necessary to get the content creators and the social media users to the same table.

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NNA makes guest editorial available — Big Tech Uses Journalism; Big Tech Should Pay For It

Nov 16, 2022

As the final days of the 118th Congress come to an end, lawmakers have the opportunity to require large social media platforms to compensate publishers for the news they use to draw traffic to their sites. 

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Environment issues column available at no charge

Oct 17, 2022

Weekly, nationally syndicated Q&A column on the environment called EarthTalk available to your organization at no charge.  

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Perspective: Let public opinion, not the Supreme Court, curb social media companies

Oct 6, 2022

The Supreme Court has agreed to take up a case challenging social media companies’ right to moderate content on their platforms. Freedom Forum senior fellow Gene Policinski explores the First Amendment ...

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Local news empowers us to know and exercise our freedoms

Sep 29, 2022

First Amendment questions come up in people’s lives each day across the country. When local newspapers cover these issues it empowers civic engagement. That’s why The Tennessean, with funding ...

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When it comes to your core freedoms, which would you rather wield to protect them: a sword or a shield?

Sep 22, 2022

The First Amendment long functioned as a shield to protect a marketplace of ideas. Today, many brandish it as a sword to carve out exceptions for favored views. Freedom Forum senior fellow Gene Policinski ...

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Get to know your First Amendment freedoms

Sep 21, 2022

First Amendment Day is coming up on Sept. 25! It’s a great day to reflect on the five freedoms the First Amendment protects.

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