Be creative in selling ads to local businesses
Apr 1, 2020

Be creative in selling ads to local businesses. National Newspaper Association colleagues at the Alabama Press Association had some ideas to share!
Attached is a series of spec ads that your ad staff can customize and sell to local businesses. Here are a few ideas:
- Lawn Services
- Cleaning Service
- Restaurants that offer curb side pick-up or take out
- Banks with curtailed lobby hours and expanded drive-thru hours
- Gardening shops
- Pharmacies
- Hardware and home improvement stores
- Paint stores
- Local utility offices with new payment options
The ads are 3 col x 5 and can be reduced to 2 col x 4.
The ads can be customized and emailed to advertisers – no need for face-to-face. You may want to offer a package and give advertisers options for two, three or four week schedules. Make the cost per insertion lower for the higher number of insertions.
Remind advertisers that newspapers are the prime source of reliable local news in your community, whether through print or digital products, in good times and in bad.