National Newspaper Week 2021 materials available

Sep 21, 2021

Content for this year s observance is now available at the NNW website. Click here to go.

This 81st annual National Newspaper Week, Oct. 3-9, 2021, is a recognition of the service of newspapers and their employees across North America and is sponsored by Newspaper Association Managers. Content for this year's observance is now available at the NNW website.

Attached is the annual pledge form for newspaper associations to support NNW.

“Community Forum” is this year’s theme. Thank you to The Relevance Project and the Newspaper Association Managers for the concept of this year’s theme. Click here to learn more about The Relevance Project.

The content kit below is a little different than in years past. It will contain promotional ads, editorials and the like, all suitable for you to publish in celebration of National Newspaper Week. Additionally, included are resources to help each Newspaper become the Community Forum in their community. Additional resources are available at no cost to all newspapers at

Additional materials for use by newspapers promoting NNW will be posted below as they become available.