National Newspaper Association

Protecting, Promoting and Enhancing Community Newspapers Since 1885

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NNA works daily on postal issues that affect community newspapers. Its goals are to achieve fair rates, efficient service and a level competitive playing field between newspapers and direct mail competitors.

NNA represents community newspapers:

  • On the Postal Service’s Mailers Technical Advisory Committee

  • Before the Postal Regulatory Commission

  • With the House Oversight and Government Committee

  • The Senate Governmental Affairs Committee

Some of NNA’s achievements include:

  • Preserving the lowest commercial postage rate in the system—the Within County privilege—for community newspapers for more than 120 years

  • Gaining a new 5 percent discount for Outside County postage for total mailings of under 5,000 copies when a paper has the Within County privilege

  • Making sure a newspaper does not lose the privilege just because a postal carrier’s route wanders outside a county line

  • Gaining an extension for the requirement to shift to a new Intelligent Mail Barcode for automation discounts

  • Preserving next-day or better service standards for periodicals entered at local post offices or mail distribution facilities

NNA Postal Hotline

National Newspaper Association provides postal consulting services for its members.

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National Newspaper Association files comments with USPS

Jul 8, 2024

Pursuant to the proposed changes to rules regarding Securing Bundles of Flats (89 FR 50542) ...

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National Newspaper Association files postal complaints with Postal Regulatory Commission for more than 200 newspapers

Jun 28, 2024

The comments were part of a review by the PRC of its postal rate regulations, which it is required by Congress to do periodically. 

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Everything Mail Entry — Understanding Periodicals Vol 3 Lesson 2

Jun 13, 2024

Everything Mail Entry — Understanding Periodicals Vol 3 Lesson 2 — focuses on the ever-changing: where to enter mail and why it matters, mail entry methods, and proper preparation ...

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Congratulations to the winner of a condo-stay on Pensacola Beach

Jun 4, 2024

The NNA Foundation awarded a participant chosen at random to stay in a condo on Pensacola Beach, Florida. 

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Postal rates are going up in July

Jun 1, 2024

Let’s look at the increases by class of mail, as many newspapers use all three Market Dominant classes — First Class, Periodicals and Marketing Mail.First Class letter mail stamps go from $.68 ...

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PRC determines it is powerless to stop price increases it believes to be 'not prudent'

May 31, 2024

“If the PRC has no legal basis to block an increase that it determines is ‘not in the interest of stakeholders,’ the viability of the entire system of checks and balances must be questioned,” NNA ...

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NNA applauds Democratic House Oversight leaders all for PRC to halt July rate increase

May 24, 2024

NNA Chair John Galer, publisher of The Journal-News in Hillsboro, Illinois, who led the fly-in contingent said “NNA applauds this action by Ranking Member Raskin and the colleagues who have joined ...

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Welch, Rounds lead bipartisan Deliver for Democracy Act to help local news overcome persistent postal delays, surging rate increases

May 22, 2024

The NNA worked extensively with Senator Welch’s staff in developing this bill and numerous improvements we proposed were incorporated into it before it was introduced. The fact that newspaper service ...

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