National Newspaper Association/Foundation

Protecting, Promoting and Enhancing Community Newspapers Since 1885

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Who we are and why we matter

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Click on the RED PIN to view individual profiles of community newspapers.

What is a community newspaper and what is the NNA/NNAF doing to help keep them relevant? It takes a healthy community to support a healthy newspaper. But a healthy newspaper can also promote a healthy community.  It takes hands-on idea development, good news coverage and creative spirits to help communities and newspapers to thrive.

We are using our peer networks to support each other through tough times - Great Ideas Exchange, Facebook Community Forum, Journalism Training, Postal Training and Convention.  We are using our limited resources to give the industry new tools.  We are looking around corners to help both communities and newspapers. The key to the thriving community newspaper is investment—not just of money, but of time, energy, creativity and our own community like NNA and others that are helping us through a tough time.

Comedians stranded in rural Nebraska find purpose running local newspaper

Jul 1, 2024

Barbara Perez and Mike Motz are now at home in Sidney, Nebraska, after putting down roots, surviving the COVID-19 pandemic and turning the 150-year-old Sidney Sun-Telegraph into an award-winning community ...

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Kentucky’s oldest newspaper has provided over 200 years of coverage

Mar 1, 2024

‘The paper we put out today is tomorrow’s history’

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A lesson every newspaper owner needs to understand

Feb 1, 2024

... In my mind, those “how tos” take second place to advice passed along years ago by a man who was remarkably successful in his profession — Paul “Bear” Bryant, legendary ...

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George Fiala: ‘Newspapers are full of adventures’

Jan 1, 2024

Fiala, who lives in Brooklyn, discovered Red Hook when he started Select Mail. He found a large building, established his business in the front, and installed a café and stage in the back where ...

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No journalism experience? No problem — Rocco and Julie Maglio parlay their STEM educations into a thriving newspaper

Nov 1, 2023

With a pinch of nostalgia and a heaping portion of love for a community that seemed a little empty without a local newspaper, the Maglios cooked up the Hernando Sun, a weekly in Brooksville, Florida, that ...

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Community publishers reaffirm First Amendment support in wake of Kansas newspaper raid

Oct 2, 2023

Last week, community newspaper publishers, editors, and executives across the United States resoundingly reaffirmed their commitment to a free press undisturbed by unannounced police raids. Meeting in ...

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Covering the news, no matter what

Oct 1, 2023

Despite arrests and police raids, watchdog newspapers keep on watching

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Victoria (Minnesota) Gazette owner Sue Orsen retires, plans to donate archives

Oct 1, 2023

The final issue of the Gazette listed a circulation of 5,200 households in “all of Victoria plus many more.” Orsen announced her retirement and the closure of the Victoria (Minnesota) ...

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Taylor family turns over reins after 120 years — ‘It has been my family’s honor to serve Moabites’

Sep 1, 2023

For more than 120 years, well ahead of the establishment of Canyonlands or Arches and most businesses in Moab, my family has served this community by publishing an independent voice filled with local reporting. 

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