NNA members urged to join Keep US Posted campaign to remove Postmaster General DeJoy and freeze postage rates
Mar 24, 2025

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy has announced his intention to step down but continues to push forward in plotting a double-digit rate increase for July and to degrade rural mail service despite a 300-page opinion by the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) opposing the move.
In response, the Keep US Posted campaign has launched an effort to push the USPS Board of Governors to immediately remove Postmaster General DeJoy and to freeze postage rates until his successor can be installed and evaluate the negative impact rates hikes have had on mail volume.
All NNA members are encouraged to join this effort. Please see the information below and take action as instructed in support of this effort.
An unprecedented postage increase could be approved in April. Tell USPS & key members of Congress that DeJoy needs to go — now
Postmaster General Louis DeJoy needs to go now! Under his mismanagement, USPS has racked up losses over $16 billion and counting in just two years. Although he's announced his retirement, DeJoy hasn't said when he will retire — and continues to hurt USPS and Americans who depend on it.
Most importantly, DeJoy is plotting one more gut punch to USPS and the Americans who depend on it: A huge July postage increase as high as 11.6% that is set to be approved by the Board of Governors in April. The USPS Board of Governors must fire DeJoy and freeze the rates now!
Please help by sending a message to the USPS Board of Governors and key members of Congress — and ask them to fire DeJoy and prevent the July rate increase. Click here or the take action button below to get started. It only takes a moment to make a true difference.